Personalizing the Funeral

Keeping Memories Alive - Celebration of Life DVD

Horse Drawn Funerals 

Motorcycle Hearse

Once Upon a Lifetime

Personal Touch

We Can Help

Ways to Honor the Memory

Display Personal Belongings

Involve Friends

Play Special Music

Dedicate Memorials

You May Have Questions

Once Upon a Lifetime…

The places and things associated with our lives can play an important part in the value of a funeral service. Families in sorrow know that the loved one they have lost was not just a military veteran, or a gardener, or a teacher. Each of us has many interests, and many facets to our lives. When you plan a funeral, consider adding personal touches that tell the wonderful story of the life that has been lived.

Personal Touch…

There is much more you can do to personalize a service than simply engraving a loved one’s name on a bronze plaque. When you add personal touches to a memorial service, viewing, or simple gathering, you help those in attendance to know the person better. Photos and personal items help us remember everything a person was. And, you can choose just how much, or how little, personalization you wish to include. Many deeply personal things you can do are actually the simplest and most time-honored.

We Can Help…

Our funeral home makes great efforts to assist you with all your personalization needs. Whether it’s handling time constraints, coming up with ways to personalize the service, or knowing what will be widely accepted, trust us to guide you.

Ways to Honor the Memory…

Create a Memorial Folder.
Programs with a poem or a verse of comfort are often handed out at services. We can help you conceive a more intimate memorial folder that includes pictures, statements, favorite verses, and achievements.

Display Personal Belongings...

Even the simplest mementos such as a coin collection, an apron, or a set of monogrammed cuff links provide remembrance and comfort during the service. Artwork, a photo collage, awards, and other personal items help people understand that the person who died enjoyed many interests.

Select a Unique Casket or Vault.
Caskets in various price ranges are now available, with designs that provide deep associations with the life you are commemorating. Crafted from various kinds of materials, they may be engraved with the person’s name and symbols or artwork associated with a college, service organization, or branch of the military. Interior panels may contain photographs, paintings, or needlework that represent the things important to the person who has died. The hardware and other accents, too, can represent various themes such as the life of an outdoors person, a military veteran, or a wife and mother. Personalized caskets and vaults are available in many price ranges, fabrications, and colors.

Choose a Memorable Urn.
Symbolic urns are now made in hundreds of designs, and many are true works of art. Whether you choose permanent possession of the cremated remains, or whether the urn is to be interred in a columbarium or niche, the urn can be a touching symbol of the life that has been lived. Engravings or artwork on an urn might depict outdoor scenes, religious imagery, and other images of the person’s occupation, hobbies, or interests.

Involve Friends...

Having close friends say a few words and share some memories is a valuable personal touch. A special poem, quote, or passage could be read that was meaningful to the person who died.

Play Special Music...

Each of us has “our song.” A person’s favorite music is always welcome during a memorial service. Perhaps the loved one had a favorite popular song or church hymn that could be played in his or her honor.

Dedicate Memorials...

Planting a tree, erecting a statue, or dedicating a fountain can help a loved one’s memory live on. If the deceased has a favorite scenic location, dedicate a bench so the view can be shared with family and friends.

You May Have Questions…

Below are some answers to frequently asked questions. If you don’t find the answer here, please feel free to speak with us about any of your questions or concerns.

Does personalization cost more?
Most of the ways you personalize cost nothing. Memory tables, eulogies, special verse, etc. are priceless ways to pay tribute to the deceased. There may be additional costs for engraving or special services, but it is minimal compared to the way it enhances the entire service.

Do I Have to Personalize the Service?
The level of personalization you choose is entirely up to you. You can include as much or as little as you wish. Often people don’t see the value until they understand the choices. Now, more than in the past, the choice is yours.

What if I have an Unusual Request?
With our diverse experiences, we offer guidance with any idea, no matter how out-of-the-ordinary. Some wish to be buried in their favorite bowling shirt or jersey. Others have very unique wishes such as nature lovers wanting to be part of a living ocean reef and firemen wanting their fire engine part of the service. We do everything we can to help you incorporate the things that hold meaning for you.

Will Personalization make the service too overwhelming?  Will people think it’s strange?
Not necessarily. You want people to know about the life of the person who has died. You will be the best judge of the amount of detail you want to include.

Will my pastor or clergy object? Will it take away from the religious aspects of the service?
Some religions require certain rituals and observances at a funeral, and even the religion you practice may have stipulations you do not know about. We are familiar with many religious customs and will work with all clergy to ensure your personalization wishes fit with religious observances.